Title: From Brother to Brother Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Victarion/Original Male Character/Euron Word Count: 1,195 Summary: Victarion grudgingly accepts a gift from Euron. Warnings: non-con, homophobia Note: Written for Nonconathon.
Title: The Iron Price Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Euron/Victarion/Dany Word Count: 2,252 Summary: The iron captain has fought the dragon queen's battles, but it's the Crow's Eye she married, leaving Victarion stewing in jealousy and resentment...for a while. Warnings: threesome sex (het and slash), violence, and [spoiler]
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Title: Suitor Rating: PG Pairing: Dany/Victarion Word Count: 813 Summary: Victarion arrives in Meereen and realizes he has no chance of marrying Dany - until she surprises him.
Title: Mistake Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Victarion/Irri/Euron Word Count: 696 Summary: Victarion knows that Euron's invitation to share a woman is a trap but he finds himself going along with it anyway.
Title: Grasping Rating: R Pairing: Asha/Victarion Word Count: 661 Summary: Asha grasps not quite at straws in an effort to keep Euron from the Seastone Chair. Note: This was written for the Porn Battle